Daily Read: Global Post

Sadly, watching Showtime's Homeland doesn't count as paying attention to international news. So in addition to listening to WBUR every morning, I also check the headlines of Global Post every day. Global Post is a modern news source that is tailored to people of the digital generation. Global Post is the "only internet journalism site devoted exclusively to international news." Instead of being organized like a traditional newspaper, Global Post is setup as a blog which makes it easier for our generation to read. They even encourage bloggers to re-post their articles and use their images in order to promote learning to a wider audience. Their posts are also image heavy, which, as a visual person, I love.

Reading international news is inspiring, and Global Post makes such a task much less overwhelming. Now you'll have something to say when your co-workers or book clubbers bring up current events! In the words of Sweet Lemon magazine, "the sexiest trait you can have is a fruitful mind."

- Cameron