North End Namaste

As I mentioned earlier this week, its time to start getting in shape for bikini season. Ugh. Luckily,

North End Yoga

is currently running a promotion, during which new members can sign up for 30 days of unlimited classes for just $30!

I signed up for the deal at the beginning of February (note: I had NEVER taken a yoga class before) and I became so obsessed that after my 30 days were up, I signed up for a full membership. North End Yoga caters to all ability levels and offers a variety of class times 7 days a week. The teachers are approachable and truly care about what they do. And, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually


the spiritual qualities of yoga. I feel so completely relaxed after each class. Plus, yoga is a full body workout that is both cardiovascular and weight-bearing (which means, you don’t need to do much else!) I suggest signing up on Monday - yoga would be the perfect post-St. Patrick's Day detox.


- Cameron