Week of September 16


Gals, there is so much going on this week! We are heading full force into fall, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't maintain a bikini-ready body, so make sure to check out Ali Baldassare's last free cardio pilates bootcamp tonight at 6:30 on the Greenway. But if you can't make it tonight, there are also some free outdoor yoga options later in the week. 

N E W  B E G I N N I N G S

This is also a good week to start thinking about the future - specifically, Boston's future. Yep, its time to start talking about the mayoral race. If you're not sure who the candidates are or who you like, consider attending the candidate forum on Tuesday night at the Boston Public Library. The topic the candidates will be discussing is something important to all gals - transportation.

Speaking of the future, I'm excited to announce that I got a new job! I am feeling totally inspired and would love to share my current inspirations with you JUGs readers. Plus, September is the perfect time of year to get motivated. 

C A R E E R   E N E R G I Z E R S

D E S K  E N E R G I Z E R S

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- Cameron