Daily Read

In light of New York Fashion Week I'd like to share a blog (and visual eye candy) brought to us from one of my favorite brands, J.Crew.http://

The name J.Crew means a lot of things to many people, and as someone who has enjoyed watching the brand's style evolve since I first starting buying it in middle school, the name J.Crew gives me a feeling of excitement and trust knowing that I will always find items that resonate with me each season. Hello, these kicks, these jeans and this jacket? Did someone make these especially for me?!

Aside from the fact that the tumblr features beautiful people wearing beautiful things, what I love most about their tumblr is that it gives me that front row feeling as if I am right there in the work room playing fashion designer with their world class creative team. From concepting, moodboarding, fittings, stylings, test drives, to interviews - the blog sheds light on the company's talented creatives, processes and collaborations that bring our favorite pieces to life. No matter your stance on J.Crew, you've got to agree with me on the fact that this "insider view" is pretty freaking cool!

Favorite collaboration / process post as of late: J.Crew x New Balance 998 Inferno

Favorite interview post as of late: The New Potato 

Head over to J.Crew's tumblr for more! 

More of my favorite posts include this, this, and this (cutey warning). 

- Suzanne

All Images from J.Crew