Healthy Cooking and Easy Delivery via Instacart

Picture this, you're in your pajamas, your doorbell rings, and in your foyer is a delivery person with groceries you ordered a short one-to-two hours earlier (in a reusable shopping bag, no less).  You're not dreaming, this is made possible by a JUGs-approved service, Instacart.  It started in San Fransisco, quickly moved to Chicago and has grown at an incredible rate.  Needless to say, we're thrilled it is now in the 'hub!  Don't you wish you did this yesterday during your snow day?!  Well, we all tried this last week, and the process SO easy, we had to share with you!

  1. Create an account on Instacart's website (or mobile app) and choose a grocery provider (Whole Foods (!)/Shaws)
  2. "Search" for an item or browse isles through their user-friendly interface
  3. Watch your cart fill on the right-hand side (you can even edit quantity/weight of items!)
  4. Enter coupon code (see below) at bottom
  5. Check out and choose delivery time
The Instacart team even gives you updates before they're at your door, so it is best to stay by your phone in case your delivery buddy has a question for you.  My list wasn't too specialized, but I was glad that they called me to confirm something before leaving the store.  

Now, what did I do with all of these ingredients, you ask?  My co-authors and I decided on a theme for our meals to be "healthy and affordable," two of our major goals when shopping and when we (attempt to) cook.  I made a few adjustments on a recipe I found via pinterest and after setting off the smoke detector 3x (hey, I followed the recipe closely!  Tip: only cook the 'sprouts at 350 F!), I was done!  I had honestly never had Brussels sprouts until a few weeks prior, and wanted to try cooking them myself.  The sprouts were great crispy, but I did shed a layer before adding it to the pasta.

Looks easy, right?!  WELL, because YOU are a loyal JUGs reader, Instacart is kind enough to offer our readers $10 off your first order with them!  Just enter coupon code JUGS10 at checkout or click here to activate the code. 

Here's a close up, and I know my family members are in shock at the finished product (and with only one attempt)!

You can even order wine (*adds to new cart*) and it's looking like the service will expand to offer Costco products.  A true savior for city gals like ourselves!  Stay tuned for Cameron and Suzanne's posts in the coming weeks!  

Thanks again, Instacart!

- Meredith

Most photos courtesy of Instacart, meal and screenshot taken by JUGs.