Green Smoothie Essentials for Beginners








Yes, green juicing is all the rage. Green juices are healthy, delicious, and filling, making them the perfect snack or occasional meal replacement. Unfortunately, ordering from a cool juice bar like




will likely cost you $10 a pop. So how can you get these nutritional benefits without coughing up $70 per week? DIY, duh! Even if you don't have a high end juicer, there are some simple recipes you can make with a traditional blender, or immersion blender, that will get you similar results. 

Since I use an immersion blender, I make smoothies instead of juices because the blender doesn't break down foods as thin as a juicer would. I also stick to easily blendable ingredients. For example, collard greens are easier to blend than kale. Here is one of my fav, protein-packed smoothie recipes:

1 fair trade banana

4-5 fresh organic strawberries

1/2 cup chopped collard greens (add more if you're a more experienced juicer, or if you want more veggies!)

1 generous tablespoon of organic Greek vanilla yogurt

1 teaspoon organic morninga powder

Add pineapple juice to taste (more if you are new to juicing because pineapple is good at masking veggie tastes, but look out, fruit juice contains a lot of sugar). 

Blend. Refrigerate. Enjoy.

- Cameron