Review of Pact App

 I am NOT one of those people that loves working out. I like veggies (especially after learning how to prepare them during the J+A Whole Detox), but I still don't lovvvve them. All in all, I could use extra help staying healthy. This is where Pact App comes in. Pact encourages you to bet on yourself in three ways: eating full servings of vegetables, tracking your food, and working out. On the app you make a goal of how many times a week you will do those things, and you will earn money every time you complete one of the goals you set. However, if you skip the gym or a healthy meal, money will be deducted!

Why this works for me: Today is Friday, one of the hardest days to get motivated to go to the gym, but I committed to go to the gym 4 times this week, and so far, I've only gone twice. I don't want to lose any money, so guess what, I'm going to work out today. The possible loss of $5 is just enough motivation to get me to log out of Netflix and go on a run or head to the gym. This. is. awesome.

Have you tried Pact yet? What do you think?

- Cameron