Suz is Moving to LA!

This JUG is moving to LA! 

Say what?! Yes. My boyfriend, Pierre, and I have decided now is the time to take a risk, try something new and see what happens. So, we're packing up the car, our work (we both freelance) and are heading west!

What does this mean for the JUGs? 

The blog will still be going strong and I will remain a co-author. Starting the blog with Meredith and Cameron was one of the best things I have ever done, aside from getting Master P. I would not be the same without it, nor could I stop doing it!

Will we become a bi-coastal blog? 

Possibly. We're not sure if that will confuse readers or if JUGs could even cater to a LA audience as well. Who knows, we're going to see what happens and let it evolve organically. I will still continue to post content and share daily tidbits on Twitter and Instagram. Don't worry, I will try to do so without teasing you all about not having a winter. 

What about Ladies Lounge?

Joining General Assembly and WeWork to co-host Ladies Lounge was my highlight of 2015. Our Who's That Gal column is hands down my favorite part of the blog and I LOVE meeting new, inspiring women that we get to share with all of you. While I hope to continue meeting amazing ladies in LA (psst introduce me to your friends), I won't be starting an LA-LL just yet. Unless someone has the hook up and wants to help organize them! In the meantime, I will continue to plan Boston-based LL events and come back for some here and there.

Thank you to our community

I love Boston more than anything and I owe a great deal of my love for this city to the Boston Blogger community and inspiring women we met through JUGs. While I know it is time for me to explore a new coast, I know Boston will always be my home and the place I will want to return to in the future. 

Thank you all for everything! Please continue to follow along with our adventures and come visit me in LA! 

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