Week of June 1st

It is June, which means summer is *finally* here! It might be cold and rainy today, but we are ready for lots of fun happenings this week and for the rest of the month.

Around the Hub

Have a blog of your own? Join us and the rest of the Boston Blogger community on Wednesday night for a tour of 3 of the South End's hottest businesses

One of our favorite gals, Leila Chambers, of Flying Kites is hosting an event at Blade on Saturday. RSVP + purchase tickets - see ya there!

In just two weeks, the Nature Conservancy is hosting the second event in their 2015 Future of Nature series - Join the city's environmentalists and seafood lovers for an evening on the Future of Fish on June 15

There is still time to support local startup, ClimateStore, on their Indiegogo campaign! Tweet, donate, + spread the word on the importance of kicking carbon. 

SAVE THE DATE: June 25 is our next installment of Ladies Lounge! This month we're celebrating women in tech. 

Boston Blogosphere

Check out Cameron's interview in the True Moringa blog! 

We're loving this Ultimate Guide to Summer in New England by Shell Chic'd.

And of course, we want to congratulate our gals over at Brass on their successful Kickstarter and on 8 months running their amazing apparel company.

Health + Beauty

We're testing out one of Boston's original spin studios, Recycle! Stay tuned to learn about our experience. 

Welp, this advice came out about 15 years too late. Maybe we can blame all our current problems on this rampant practice from our middle school years. 

Style + Decor

Hold up, Blake Lively is starting her own eco-fashion line?

Latest purchase = this adorbs eco-swim suit top!