The Week of June 15th

Good morning on this gloomy Monday!  As you may have seen, we celebrated a friend's bachelorette party on the Cape, which makes today a biiiit tougher, but we'll power through.  Here are some updates for the week ahead:

Around the Hub

How can you best honor one of the most important men in your life (Dad)?  Our friends at Boston Day Book have great suggestions on shopping local prior to celebrating Dad on Sunday.

Loving the branding of Fort Point as its own neighborhood...big things happening there, it seems to be growing every day!

Things are also happening in the backyard of our 'hood, the North End.  Big developments in Lewis Wharf are underway.

Career & Finance

Eek, guilty of some of these costly conveniences that I need to cut down on.

Are you also in the market for a new credit card that will help lead to travel benefits?  I'm considering this list for this month's research.

Shopping hacks are always appreciated, no?

Health & Beauty

Stuck at your desk all day?  This doesn't mean you have to remain stagnant!  Keep movin' with these tips from the infamous Leandra.

I've pretty much added tools from here to my ongoing beauty wishlist...

As advocates for sun safety, the JUGs loved these tips for being smart this summer.

This video is very moving, and shows how progressive things are in this day and age!

A list of recommended vitamins all gals should be incorporating into their daily routines.

Think you're juicing correctly?  Read this to be sure!

Style & Decor

Love me a good cover jam, especially acoustic Ed Sheeran.

You can't think of everything!  Here is what Molly Sims wished she knew when wedding planning.


We'll be commuting in summer temps tomorrow, so get those rainy-day errands done today.  Have a great week, all!

photo via StyleMePretty

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