Local Gem: Violet Skin Boutique + Spa

Violet Skin Boutique is one of our favorite spas - and that is saying a lot because we LOVE getting primped and pampered. But since we are trying to clean up our act - eating healthy, exercising, and detoxing our cabinets and wardrobes - we figured we better find a clean spa choice as well, and Violet fits the bill. 

Why We Love It

Though Violet is out in Brookline, it is easily accessible via the green line and doesn't take long to get to from downtown. Once you walk in, you're instantly hit by a serene, calming environment accented with soft pink and violet hues. 

Violet's staff is incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, so it is best to make an appointment for a facial without specifying what type. That way, you can walk in and they can diagnose your skin and give you the best treatment for your skin type. Afterall, a lot of the treatments can be counterintuitive. A calming moisture mask can do wonders for irritated, acne-prone skin, and even the driest skin needs to be exfoliated occasionally. Plus, Violet and her staff make many of the treatments while you are there. There are a few reasons that this is amazing: 

  • There is no need for artificial preservatives because all of the treatments are used right away.
  • The masks and treatments are specially formulated for your skin. 
  • You will experience the active ingredients at their peak of freshness and effectiveness.

Violet Spa is a favorite of many eco-beauties throughout the city because all of the remedies are made using natural and organic - but highly effective - ingredients. 

Our Favorite Products

Violet Spa also sells some of their fresh, homemade treatments! For us twenty-something ladies dealing with hormonal acne, New England weather, and city life, Violet recommends the Power Skin Corrector and the Rice Exfoliating Powder.

The Power Skin Protector is a spot treatment that not only dries up zits, but also soothes and calms the surrounding skin.

Exfoliating can be tricky because over doing it will leave skin irritated and sensitive, while not exfoliating at all will make for a dull complexion prone to breakouts. The Rice Exfoliating Powder is the perfect solution because the rice enzymes work to eat away dead skin cells without the need for applying too much pressure. 

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