The Week of February 1st

Is it just us or did February arrive after blinking?!  And a 50 degree day to boot?  We're okay with it!

Around Boston

Ever fumble with directions due to a lost cell signal?  There's a hack to fix this...

Boston customers are known to be the best tippers around.

We wish we could have made this event at Alice's Table at The Street, hosted by our girl, Amanda.  Be sure to check it out before mid-month!

New year, new goal of being philanthropic!  Join us for Ladies Lounge next week, with additional speakers to be announced in the coming days.

Around LA

Design Love Fest is starting a new instagram column called "about town" where they will feature all the favorite spots in the City of Angels. Cannot wait to stalk their account even harder.

In the mood for vintage? Here are you best bets!

This creativity workshop at Poketo is right up our alley, especially after reading Big Magic.

Great news for pet owners and apartment hunters.

Beauty & Health

Pretty obsessed with this kickstarter!  Finally convinced this could help me bring lunch to work every day.

Arguably a part of your "health," an interesting perspective on online dating.

Who better to recommend travel tips than an airline employee?  Also, the things JetBlue is doing to upgrade their planes makes us want to plan more JUGs trips!

The all-day guide to snacking.

Career & Finance

Make the most of your tax refund with these tips.

In being smarter with shopping, things to ask yourself before a purchase.

Style & Decor

GAP, Inc. recently made a serious commitment to sustainability.

Cameron and I are off to Austin in a few short weeks, both first-time visitors.  This list of stylish bloggers was helpful in reading up on what sounds like a great city!  Be sure to tweet us with your recommendations you may even see in our travel guide to be posted after the trip!

Wishing you a great week!

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