Easy Guilt-free Snack to Bring to Your Next Book Club Meeting

As the summer sunshine finally trickles through the Boston clouds, it is always good to have a few no-bake, no-stove, no-heat-required recipes in your back pocket for when your gals come over. The last thing you want to do in the summer is crank the oven to 350! With that, we present to you one of our absolute favorite recipes - perfect for book club or any other summer gathering. Not only is it crazy easy and quick (I mean, let’s be real, it's hardly a recipe at all) but it is also completely unexpected. Forget the boring old chips and salsa game - this is your new go-to. 

Maple Vanilla Cottage Cheese Party Dip

Prep time: 5 seconds
Cook time: zero!
Ingredients: 16 oz tub of Hood ® Cottage Cheese with Maple and Vanilla Flavor Added, 1 bag of cinnamon sugar pita chips

Scoop the cottage cheese into a small bowl. 
Artfully spread chips on an adjacent plate or bowl. 
Pour yourself a glass of cold rose and put your feet up. You are ready for your guests to arrive!

Some of your friends might be skeptical of cottage cheese, but serving it as a dip gives them a new context to try it. We’re more used to dips having texture than yogurts, so you guests might be more open to it - and will hopefully discover a new favorite snack. Not only will your guests absolutely love this sweet take on chips and dip, they’ll also appreciate the nice protein bump with calcium and vitamin A - all in a relatively low-calorie treat (just take it easy on the chips!)