Women Supporting Women: What Can You Offer?

This week I went to one of the most amazing women's networking events I had been to in Los Angeles. It was a Work Sesh event, part of the bossladies event series where women meet to work together since freelancing can be super lonely. So, as you'd expect, each event is run pretty similar to the last. We show up, we introduce ourselves, we work, we talk. But this time the host (Chelsea) made one small tweak. She asked us not only to introduce ourselves and what we do, but to say what we can offer the group. 

What can you offer? 

It seemed like such a small and simple idea but you should have seen the way it changed the morning. The introductions went from brief speeches to back-and-forth conversations between the speaker and the audience. Networking went from the simple "nice to meet you" to "let's talk" and "let's do this." The community became even stronger and partnerships were established. People truly connected. People looking for help got advice, ideas, and relief. And people looking for work got work. (Make that money, honey!)

It's a week after the Women's March and I've been seeing many informative posts on how we can keep this momentum going. But I want you all to remember that we have the capability to help every day. Yes continue to donate to Planned Parenthood, yes write postcards, yes get involved in other groups and marches and fight for what we believe in. Also remember it's as simple as asking "what can I offer?" What do you already do, or are an expert in, that you can offer that will help a woman near you today? 

Some things I said I can offer:
- I speak developer and designer. If you have technical questions, let's talk.
- I know web project management and budget. If you are not sure which platform to choose, host to buy from or what's a typical rate for services, hit me up.
- I know user experience. If you have questions about your web experience and how it can improve, I can do a quick audit.
- I know what it's like to freelance full time and start your own company. If you want to ask questions or have a meltdown, call me. 

Some things I know JUGs can offer:
- We know a huge group of amazingly talented women. Do you need a lawyer? A designer? A real estate agent? Someone who's written a business plan? Someone who's gotten funding? Someone who's made a pivot? Someone who's done a Kickstarter? We know them! Let us connect you.

Every woman, no matter her circumstances, has the ability to help support other women. We all have a lot to offer.

So, what can you offer? Hit us up on Twitter and let's keep this momentum going strong. And we'll be continuing this conversation at next month's Ladies Lounge: Women Empowering Women on February 16th, be sure to signup! 

Image via @womensmarch