Tailored for Education: A Meaningful Way to Give Back This Holiday Season

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Meet Tailored for Education

Tailored for Education is a Boston-based nonprofit that provides school uniforms to kids around the globe who can't attend without one. More than six years ago, the organization started with a small school in Haiti with 200 children and have since provided just over 50,000 uniforms and are now working in ten countries with 19 partners!

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Started by Women Like You

Tailored for Education was founded in Boston in the Spring of 2011 by two friends who love children and saw a seemingly “easy” fix to a big problem.

The organization believes that every child has the right to receive an education and a uniform should not stand in their way. All of the uniforms they provide also help create jobs for local economies through local sewing, tailoring, etc. Tailored for Education wants to leave the communities of the children they help in a better place: more sustainable jobs and more children in school. Their goal is simple and would not be attainable without the help of donors.

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You Can Make a Difference

This holiday season marks a very special giving opportunity with Tailored for Education. They have a donor willing to match up to $100k of new money between now and December 31st. If Tailored for Education is able to raise $100K in the next two weeks, it will be matched by the donor and they will be able to send 8,000 kids to school!

Let's make it happen. Click here to give