The Week of September 18th

Around Boston

Join us this Thursday for Ladies Lounge: Coaching for Better Health & Wellness. You'll meet Boston's top health and wellness coaches coaches and get your daily dose of health inspiration, motivation and advice about how they're making careers of being trusted wellness gurus.

Career & Finance

Read: 4 successful women on what power means to them.

While freelance can be unreliable, the good news is your retirement plan doesn't have to be.

The new debate: are hotels or AirBnB's more cost-effective?  

Health & Beauty

Check this out: Bustle started a body positive podcast called The Bodcast.

6 truths about your bra.

Style & Decor

Any other book lovers obsessed with the way Heidi Merrick stacks hers? 

Here's how you ethically see animals around the world.

YAY! Cozy sweater season is upon us.