You're Invited to Strong Process Forum: A One-Day Wellness Conference

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If you came to our September Ladies Lounge event on Coaching for Better Health and Wellness, then you may have unknowingly gotten a sneak preview of Strong Process Forum. One of the evening's amazing panelists, Rachele Pojednic, is now the founder of Strong Process. So, what is Strong Process Forum, you may ask? 

The unique wellness conference aims to provide accurate information for fueling our choices in the way we move, eat, and rest. Recognizing that there is a lot of misinformation out there under the 'wellness' umbrella, Strong Process will focus on science-based learning and experiences. The day will feature three expert panels, two balanced meals, and a yoga class -- all of which will leave you feeling rejuvenated, inspired and informed!  

For full details and the event agenda:

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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 8, 2018


CIC Lighthouse Room
 50 Milk Street
 Boston, MA