Finding Satisfaction In Your Current Job

Illustration by Allie Runnion for Just Us Gals

Illustration by Allie Runnion for Just Us Gals

Have you ever been talking with your girlfriends, sharing your goals and dreams, and realize that everyone around you is reaching and striving while you currently aren’t?  DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT THIS!  Sometimes we’re in goal-crushing mode, and sometimes we’re going with the flow and...dare we say it...happy about it.  Contentment, especially at work, is hard to come by these days.  According to a study done in 2019 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Omidyar Network, Lumina Foundation, and Gallup, over 50% of American workers are unsatisfied with their jobs.  Various factors contribute to this, but the outcome remains the same.  So many people struggle with work, and if you’re content already you are ahead of the game!

Whether you are happy in your current role, or are trying to find happiness due to circumstance (like lack of upward/outside opportunities due to the economic effects of COVID) here are some ways you can relax into your current job and appreciate where you are.

Gain Depth

Routine is comforting, but the result is that we stick with our routines out of habit without examining if they’re still effective.  If you’re settling in or satisfied with your work, now is the time to gain some depth of knowledge and experience.  Take a look at your workplace professional development offerings and see what applies to you!  Connect with your education department and see if they offer a skills inventory you could take to determine what you can build on.  These could be technical skills, soft skills like body language, or how to handle difficult situations. If your workplace doesn’t have a learning and development department, or if you are currently unemployed, there are still some free online options for upskilling.

Realize Your Worth

Even though you may be happy where you are, we are always told we need to do more.  Make more money, reach higher, work harder...but maybe, just maybe, you’re okay where you are.  It’s okay to be content, and it’s valuable to realize that you have value as an employee in this moment.  There are reasons why you were hired to do what you’re doing.  You have numerous skills and positive traits that got you where you are today, and it’s time to honor that in yourself.  We so rarely take the time to appreciate our good qualities and reflect on how they help us build a great life.  Recognize that you’re awesome and capable, and pat yourself on the back!


Gratitude is huge for finding contentment.  Take a look around your apartment or house right now.  You have one that your job pays for, so you’re off to a good start.  Do you have extra money to spend on fun things that you wouldn’t otherwise have?  That’s something to appreciate for sure.  Notice what you’re able to do and have because of your job.  Being ambitious is great if it serves you, but it can also be powerful to recognize your progress and enjoy the present.

Level Up

Take a look at the roles and responsibilities of the level above you.  Do you want to be spending your time on those tasks right now?  Would that role take away from your work/life balance?  Is it worth the pay raise?  If the answer is yes, refer back to #1!  Now’s the time to invest in the skills and experience you’ll need to jump to the next level.

If the answer is no, that is completely okay!  You do not always have to be striving to climb whatever ladder you’re on just because it’s there.  This does not make you a failure.  If you can meet all your basic needs and plan for your future, there’s no reason you have to be a director or manager if you don’t want to.  You’re a responsible adult holding down a job and paying your bills.  If you’re happy, that can be enough.

Whether you love your current job or aren’t making any career moves for a while, there is a lot to be said for gratitude and contentment.  Happiness is a goal in and of itself.  If you can get up everyday without resentment towards work, that’s not nothing.  With half of U.S. workers unsatisfied with their jobs, and with so many people unemployed, if you have a job that you like, then you’re in a great place!

Interested in seeing more career advice from Just Us Gals?

Becky Holder is a content contributor for JUGs and works in education. In her free time she looks for the next best cup of coffee and great food. Follow along @rebeccalizholder on Instagram.