Book Club Discussion Questions for 'Educated' by Tara Westover


We might be a little late to the game here, a summer of quarantining and social distancing finally gave us the chance to read the bestseller Educated by Tara Westover. Some people love this book and some people absolutely do not — but varying opinions always make for a more fun book club discussion!

Discussion guide

  1. How does ‘Educated’ compare with other memoirs you’ve read?

  2. How does Tara’s relationship with her mother and father evolve from childhood to the end of the book?

  3. There are a series of horrific ‘accidents’ that happen to various members of the family, why do these play such an essential role in the story?

  4. Why does the author return to the description of the mountain next to her childhood home so many times?

  5. Had you heard of Ruby Ridge before reading this book? How did the events there shape Tara and her family’s lives?

  6. Towards the end of the book, Tara describes a divide between her siblings — those that pursued education and those that didn’t. What motivated some of them to care so deeply about school?

  7. A significant shift happens when Tara asks about the word ‘holocaust’ in one of her first BYU classes. How does this moment change the way she perceives her family and herself?

  8. What do you see as the overarching message of the book?

    What are you reading next?

Cameron Bruns Ewing is the managing editor of Just Us Gals. She works in Sales at HubSpot while also pursuing a degree in environmental sustainability from University College Dublin.

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