Why I Vote

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There are countless reasons to vote and use your voice to support the change we want to see in the world. But here are my top two that I think about daily:

  1. To keep the doors open that have been opened for me as a woman. The right to vote didn’t come easy, it was something that the women before me worked hard and fought for and I want to honor that by showing up and doing my part.

  2. To protect the planet. It’s the only true home we’ll ever know and it’s beautiful. We need someone who will continue to fight against climate change and improve the lives of all living things. Because we all deserve access to clean water and air, and mama Earth deserves to be treated better.

Share your reasons for voting and we’ll share them on our social accounts! Let’s raise our voices and make a difference.

When Meghan Barrett, Boston-based content contributor, isn’t writing about wellness, work or places to go in Boston, she’s whipping something up in the kitchen or practicing yoga at her local studio. Keep up with her adventures on Instagram @meegzb.

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