How to Read 50 Books in a Year

Illustration by Allie Runnion for Just Us Gals

Illustration by Allie Runnion for Just Us Gals

Similar to other hard-to-reach, long-term New Years resolutions, I decided to challenge myself in 2020 to read 50 books in just one calendar year. I had let my reading slip during college and the first few years of my full-time job. However, I missed picking up a book just for fun and as a brief escape from life’s responsibilities, so knew this would be a great challenge. Despite a slow start and a month of just one book completed, I was able to meet my original goal of 50 books (finishing on New Year’s Eve – just under the wire!).

Since completing this number, I have been reading consistently this year and am able to finish books at a much faster pace than when I first started this journey. For anyone who may want to read more or get back to a consistent habit, I listed some of the best tips that helped me get through the challenge and stay consistent all year.

Read Every Day

This step may seem daunting to those who haven’t read consistently in a long time, but reading every day will help you make it an easy habit.Whether you are reading for 10 minutes or two hours, this consistency is key and will be second nature after a short time. If you’re having trouble finding time in your day, read in short segments on the T, right before bed or while you’re on the Peloton. These small amounts add up and you’ll be shocked by how quickly you are eating up books!

Read Books You’ll Enjoy

There are so many rankings of books and opinions online, and it is easy to get lost in the reviews. However, reading should be fun and enjoyable, and better yet, easy. Choose books that you want to read, whether they are New York Times bestsellers, graphic novels, young adult fiction, or nonfiction deep dives on a specific topic. There are countless books at our disposal so there is no need to force ourselves to read something that doesn’t excite us!

Keep Track of Your Progress

One of the best ways to maintain my motivation throughout this process is to keep a list of the books you’ve completed, and even a queue of what to read next. In my experience, seeing the amount of books I had finished at different points of the year really kept me excited and reminded me of the amazing novels I had already completed. Using the notes app on your phone or Goodreads, which allows you to rate and comment on completed books, is a great way to show your progress.

Visit Independent Bookstores        

Independent and small bookstores in your own neighborhood are a great way to find new books to read and receive opinions from employees. Brookline Booksmith in Coolidge Corner and Trident Booksellers on Newbury Street are some of our favorite local stores that always have great staff recommendations and sales. Supporting independent bookstores is crucial, and you will love seeing the new books and local events at your favorite seller.

Books to get you started

See our full list of suggested reads.

Taylor Borowiec is a marketing coordinator living and working (and writing!) in Boston. You can follow her for book recommendations and hiking pictures @teaylur.

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