How to Set up Your Home Work Station for Productivity


As most companies move into a hybrid work environment, offering employees opportunities to work home on some days and in-office on others, it is important to stay focused no matter where you are working day-to-day. Significant others or children may also be on different schedules, so we outlined a few tips to make sure that your home office, whatever that may look like, keeps you productive during these changing times. 

Create a Designated Area

The best way to make sure that your workstation actually works for you is to create a designated area where you will log in every day. This will give you a work area and living area, a separation that is critical when you need to unplug at the end of the day to focus on family responsibilities or simply relax. Keeping your work materials in one area will also allow anyone that lives with you to recognize that you are working whenever you are in that area, cutting down on distractions or interruptions. 

Also take time to make sure that this workstation has everything you need to succeed. Do you have planners, specific lists or sticky notes you use every time you’re in the office? Buy those same materials to keep in your home space! This consistency will make it easy to stay productive without having to look around for a pen or notepad when you need to jot down a quick note. This would also be a great time to invest in a chair that provides extra comfort and support, rather than continuing to use an extra one from your kitchen. If these additional expenses are out of your budget, speak with your supervisor; your company may be offering to cover the cost of these upgrades, as they also want you to stay comfortable and productive!

Stick to a Similar Schedule

Working at home opens up a world of possibilities, including sleeping in rather than commuting, or performing a few chores while listening to meetings. As nice as these time benefits sound, maintaining a similar schedule to your in-person timeframe will help keep you on track while making it easy to transition from home and office (and back again). Continue to take that extra hour of sleep, but make sure to wake up with enough time to grab your coffee and log on at the same time you would at your desk. At the end of the day, don’t stay on for too long; log off when you normally do so you have time to work out and read a book or catch up on some shows. This will help you recharge and be ready for the next day, without burning out. Your co-workers will also appreciate you sticking to a similar schedule to maintain collaboration and schedule meetings that are not outside of working hours.

Know When to Reach Out

The pandemic has created an upheaval in so many of our lives, whether through our work, finances, personal lives or mental well-being. No matter where you work or how that has changed during the past 18 months, remember that the most important aspect of your environment is your mental health. If working in a hybrid situation is draining or you think your setup needs to change in any way, make sure to reach out to your supervisor or human resources department to discuss your needs. Working with your company will allow you to express your needs while showing your determination to stay as productive as possible in any situation. This year has been difficult for all of us, so make sure that your well-being is your top priority!

Taylor Borowiec is a marketing coordinator living and working (and writing!) in Boston. You can follow her for book recommendations and hiking pictures @teaylur.

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