The Week of January 27th

Another Monday is upon us! Let's get down to the happenings for the last week of January 2014!

B U S I N E S S   &  C A R E E R S
Promised yourself you'd make solid steps towards finding your dream job? Start tonight by joining in on The Everygirl's twitter #CareerChat with career confidence coach, Nicole Williams at 8pm.

How Alexa Von Trobel, CEO of Learnvest stays productive.

S H O P P I N G  &  S T Y L E
Did you catch the Grammy's? My best dressed votes go to Kacey Musgraves and T-Swift forrr suuuuure.

Refinery29 reviews 5 clothing brands that are sustainable and stylish. I am excited to see Everlane on the list!

L O C A L   E V E N T S
Superbowl Sunday is upon us. Check out our list of JUGs Approved bars to watch football and start planning your game day!

Thrillist rates the best places to brunch in Boston.

A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T
Fun fact: James Middleton does have a job and it's printing your Instagrams on marshmallows. Yep.

This sounds fun - a scavenger hunt to find free Boston Calling 2014 tickets starts today! Good luck to all those who participate.

Ugh, Harry Styles is just so precious. Of course he would send concert tickets to Mahky Mahk's daughter.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and I love this little round up of cute Etsy gifts by Lonny Magazine.

Have you guys checked out Kumbuya yet? Comparable to a Reddit for bloggers, Kumbuya allows you to create content and share it with your communities. Check out our page here, part of The Everygirl Community.

Have a great week!

- Suzanne

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