JUGS JAMS: Let’s Hibernate


It’s hibernation season. It seems that this time of year, as the weather gets chillier, we always see less of everyone, and spend more time with our noses in books, binging netflix, and perfecting our blanket forts. I also find this time of year to be some of the best for turning inward, and discovering more of that soul hugging, deep, lo-fi music. It resonates with me more this time of year, and I hope you find the same comfort in it that I do. 

Artist on the rise: Yola

She’s country, she’s soul, she’s funk and she’s exactly the kind of energy we need to bring into 2020. Don’t be late to this one. Yola is the next big thing. 

On repeat: The Barrel by Aldous Harding

Reminiscent of an early 90’s hit, The Barrel feels new and yet somehow comforts me like a song I’ve known forever. 

Hometown She-Ro: Clairo

I first stumbled upon Clairo’s song Hot Cheetos when friends who knew my obsession with the orange snack sent it my way. Turns out, the snacky jam isn’t her only hit - I’ve been hooked ever since.  

Happy listening!


Allie Kovalik is a content contributor who has an ear for music, an eye for dogs, and a taste for tacos. Follow all three of her adventures (and many more) on Instagram: @alliek20