5 Wellness Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

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Self-care and wellness is a multi-billion dollar industry that is overwhelmingly targeted at women.  We are constantly bombarded by ads that promise to make us happier, healthier, and more content with our bodies and minds.  With all the mixed messages and endless products out there, how do you know where to start?  Whether you’re just beginning your self-care journey or want to dive deeper, here are five podcasts that will entertain, support, and educate you.

Forever 35

Started by friends and Massachusetts natives Doree Shafrir and Kate Spencer, Forever 35 is a podcast about “the things we do to take care of ourselves.”  The episodes are focused on beauty and self-care, but cover a broad range of topics from mental health to serums.  Kate and Doree don’t pretend to be experts, but they have a wide range of guest experts from various fields and backgrounds to answer your burning self-care questions.  These ladies are so open, honest, and funny that you’ll feel like you’re talking to your best friends.  Definitely a must-listen!

I Weigh

If you’re watching The Good Place (which you are, right?...right?!) then you know Jameela Jamil as snobby Tahani Al-Jamil.  Her podcast, I Weigh, is anything but snobby.  In fact, it’s full of inspiring interviews with people from all walks of life and professions.  Jameela is an activist with a focus on body positivity and mental health issues, and brings fascinating people into the studio to talk about this and much more.  Her honest, funny take on issues, sharing her personal experiences, and asking guests the right questions at the right times makes I Weigh a great listening experience you don’t want to miss.

The Dream

If you’re looking for some engaging journalism, then you HAVE to start listening to The Dream by Jane Marie and Dan Gallucci.  Season 1 is all about multi-level marketing and is well worth your time as an intro to Season 2.  This focuses on different facets of the wellness industry, such as vitamins, bogus health claims, and alternative medicine.  Remaining skeptical but still vulnerable, Jane Marie takes a critical look at the industry and the validity of its claims that we could not stop listening to.

By The Book

Kristen Meisner and Jolenta Greenberg are your guides through the wild world of self-help books in By The Book.  Each season they choose a variety of self-help books and live by each one for two weeks.  They share their struggles and successes through the process, and at the end decide if they would recommend the book to listeners.  Some of our favorite episodes include The Curated Closet, The Little Book Of Hygge, and Past Lives, Future Healing.  Imagine asking your significant other to live by “The Joy Of Sex,” or “Astrology For Happiness And Success.”  Well, they do, and this perspective adds to the conversation and experience.  

How’s Work

Renowned relationship therapist Esther Perel gives us a peak into a series of one-time therapy sessions in the How’s Work podcast.  We highly recommend a listen if you’re working through interpersonal issues at work.  Even if you’re not, this is a rare experience to listen to honest, unfiltered conversations that touch on improving relationships and communication.  Whatever your work situation is, you’ll relate to one son’s struggle with working for his parents, or be fascinated by the complexities of dissolving a company started with a friend.  Work dominates so many hours of our lives.  Doesn’t it make sense to learn how to better engage with our co-workers?

Help us build our list of cool wellness and self-care podcasts!  What are you gals listening to these days?

Becky Holder is a content contributor for JUGs and works in education. In her free time she looks for the next best cup of coffee and great food. Follow along @rebeccalizholder on Instagram.