Why I Vote

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I vote because it's my right. There are countries at war fighting for the kind of democratic government we have here in the United States, and I believe it's my civic duty to participate on an individual level out of appreciation for the enormous privilege that we have.

I vote to acknowledge that I am part of something bigger than myself and that I care about the greater good of my community. Voting is a way I can stand up for what I believe in and take action to influence the leaders that represent us. Like it or not, politics affect just about every aspect of our lives and I refuse to sit on the sidelines when so much is at stake.

I vote because I believe that every voice can make a difference. Now more than ever, we need to find strength in numbers. Whether you can get to the polls or cast your ballot by mail this year, do your part and VOTE!

Share your reasons for voting and we’ll share them on our social accounts! Let’s raise our voices and make a difference.

Erin Cornell is a twenty-something communications professional and blogger living in Boston, still trying to figure out this whole “adulting” thing. Follow along at www.abrowneyedberry.com and @abrowneyedberry to read more of her wellness, style, and career advice geared towards millennial women.

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