Join Team JUGs for the BARCC Walk For Change April 23rd

It’s time to get serious. Twelve people every day are sexually assaulted in the state of Massachusetts. Nine out of ten rape survivors are women, with women between the ages of 16 to 19 being four times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault. 55% of sexual assaults occur at or near the home of the survivor. 33% of women that are raped contemplate suicide. What’s even worse, on average only 6 out of 1000 rapists will face jail time for their heinous crime. These statistics are jarring, but there is something you can do. 

Join Just Us Gals on Sunday, April 23rd at DCR’s Artesani Park in showing up for survivors of sexual assault and violence. We have partnered with the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center to promote this year’s Walk for Change that will raise funds for life-saving work the Center provides. BARCC provides services like counseling, medical advocacy, and case management for the entire Greater Boston Area, all of which are free and completely confidential. Since 1973 the Center has offered a 24-hour hotline to provide survivors with healing and next-steps. 

The theme of this year’s Walk is Power of You: Supporting All Survivors, and we would be honored for you to join us! The Walk is dog friendly and begins at 9:30 with a kick-off rally. And if you register to walk with the Just Us Gals team, you can save $15 by using the code JUGS

We can’t wait to see you and 2,000 other participants as we walk to end sexual violence!

For more information on sexual violence please visit the following sites:

Faith Kelnhofer is a content contributor for JUGs! Learn more about her and the rest of our team on the 'about us' page. 

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