Book Club Discussion Questions for 'Seven Steps to Inner Power' by Tae Yun Kim


After interviewing Tae Yun Kim for our 'Who's That Gal' column, we were absolutely intrigued by this groundbreaking woman and couldn't wait to read her book. We finally did, so after you read your copy, grab your girls for a meaningful discussion and a glass of vino!

  1. Have you read other self-help style books? Do you like the genre? How did this one stack up?
  2. Kim uses martial arts principles throughout the book. Have you ever practiced any type of martial arts? Do Kim's use of these principles line up with how you interpreted your training?
  3. Kim tells a powerful story of hardship throughout her youth. In fact, much of the first part of the book is autobiographical. Does this story strengthen the seven lessons she shares later? Do you like self-help books with personal anecdotes like this?
  4. Seven Steps to Inner Power is an interactive book in the form of the "For Your Reflection" pages. Did you do these activities? Are there any answers from these thought-provoking prompts that you'd be willing to share? 
  5. Have you thought or behaved differently since reading this book? How so?
  6. One of our favorite takeaways from this book is "fear of making mistakes is mental laziness." What was your favorite lesson or phrase?
  7. Which of the seven steps do you think is the hardest to attain or adhere to? 
  8. Do you practice meditation? How does meditation balance with the lessons shared by Kim?

Interested in learning more about Seven Steps to Inner Power? Don't miss our interview with Tae Yun Kim.


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