Who's That Gal: Erin Cornell, Communications Professional and JUGS Writer


Name: Erin Cornell
Age: 26
Occupation: Communications professional
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Current ‘hood: Quincy, Massachusetts
Currently reading: I’m usually juggling a few books at once since I’ll start one and then discover another that I’m just as eager to start. Right now, I’m reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-to Book by Dan Harris and Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan.
Fav phone app: Google Keep. It’s been a game-changer when it comes to productivity and keeping myself organized. I love that I can group notes by color and label, archive older content, search by keyword, and create dynamic lists with the check-box feature. Another plus: you can log in using your Google account from both the mobile app and desktop webpage.
Most Essential Step of My Morning Routine: I make myself a smoothie every morning and won’t leave the house until I finish it. Transforming my breakfast routine has helped me pack in the nutrients I need from all the key food groups in order to power through my day (and bonus: it prevents me from getting hangry before lunchtime).

So tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do? Hobbies...side hustles...big dreams? What’s your passion?

I spent my first four post-grad years working at a PR agency and just recently transitioned into a marketing communications role at a consulting firm serving the public sector. When I’m not working, I love exploring new places, finding new ways to improve my well-being, and seeking out people and things that inspire me. A lifelong learner and child at heart, I love discovering opportunities for growth while sticking to who I am at my core. I studied psychology in college and have always been interested in what drives human behavior and how our mental health impacts all other aspects of our lives. I definitely don’t have my “dream job” figured out yet, but I hope to find a way to align these different passions into a fulfilling career – who knows, maybe I’ll even start my own business someday.

How did you first hear of JUGS?

When I first moved to Boston in 2016, I started researching different female professional networking groups and stumbled upon Just Us Gals by way of their monthly Ladies Lounge series hosted in partnership with General Assembly. I loved the first event I attended and have been continuing to follow along ever since – two years later, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to such an inspiring and successful locally-based blog that I’ve admired from afar.


What inspired you to write for the blog?

I love writing. While I already journal regularly and develop content all day long at work, I’ve been dreaming of starting my own blog someday. Working in the client-service industry, I often find myself too drained to commit the energy needed to getting my own platform off the ground right now. I therefore jumped at the chance to be a contributor to JUGS, where I can get my feet wet in the blogging world and have fun sharing content with this amazing community of other young women.

What is your favorite kind of post to write?

I enjoy posting informative content that’s driven from my personal experiences. If I’ve learned something the hard way, I want to help others avoid the same mistakes I’ve made and reap the rewards of the solutions I’ve taken the time to discover. Some things are just too good to keep to myself! Listicles are usually my go-to for communicating helpful tips.


Your favorite type to read?

I love reading the career advice on the blog. Getting and maintaining a job is something that school can never fully prepare you for, and the workplace is always keeping me on my toes – I constantly feel like I’m being tossed into unfamiliar situations, which can be pretty intimidating. Reading tips from other women who have been there and can share their stories is both comforting and empowering. As someone who doesn’t have a linear career path in mind, it’s also great to read the inspirational tales of women who have started their own businesses, to learn more about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

How do you balance writing for a blog with your other commitments?

I keep track of my deadlines for the blog and work backwards, setting goals for when I should start carving out the time to brainstorm, begin writing, and complete a post. I’ll admit, sometimes life gets in the way and it’s not possible to stick to a strict timeline. It’s all about shifting priorities when you need to and being honest with yourself. I write on a quarterly basis right now because that’s what is most realistic for my schedule, and I love how JUGS offers that kind of flexibility.

What are some of your other favorite blogs and social feeds?

Fashion: Carly the Prepster, Lemon Stripes, Sequins & Stripes, Bows & Sequins, Lonestar Southern, Extra Petite, Shell Chic’d, Design Darling, Gal Meets Glam, Classy Girls Wear Pearls, Jess Ann Kirby

Lifestyle: The Everygirl, Refinery29, Real Simple, Brit + Co, Girls’ Night In

Career: Girlboss, Create & Cultivate, Levo League

Current events: theSkimm, Elite Daily

Creativity: Etsy


What else should JUGS readers know about you?

I’m the oldest of four siblings spanning a nine-year age gap, which has shaped a lot of who I am today. (Did someone say bossy? Just kidding, sort of!) I am accustomed to paving my own way but have loved lifting up those behind me and getting the excuse to cherish my childhood for as long as possible. Coming from such a tight-knit family, living in a studio apartment in a whole new city has been a real adventure the last couple years as I’ve discovered there can be an upside to having alone time and becoming more self-sufficient. I hope you’ll follow along as I continue to navigate the complexities of the real world.  

P.S. Even though I’m from New York, I am fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it…the Mets aren’t anything to write home about) NOT a Yankees fan – so am very excited for the Red Sox fandom on their World Series win!