How to Lead by Example at Your Next Work Conference


Attending conferences for work or career development is a great way to make industry connections, learn new skills, and gain inspiration. However, conferences can have a large carbon footprint. We try to be our best eco-conscious selves in everything we do, which is why we’re sharing some ways that you can lead by example at your next conference. We’ve been to large work events around the world from Boston to conference venues in London and the following tips hold true no matter the place or theme of the event.

1. Take it easy on the swag - conferences are full of free goodies, but just because something is free, doesn't mean you need to take it. Are you really going to use that pen or read that pamphlet? Think before taking something so that it doesn't ultimately end up in the trash.

2. Bring your own mug - coffee is a conference necessity, but avoid plastic, paper, and polystyrene by bringing your own coffee tumbler.

3. Bring an extra bag - so maybe the swag all looks good, bring a reusable back to carry your new goodies in so that you don't need a plastic bag.

4. Take public transit to/from the conference.

5. Pick the meat-free option at lunch.

6. Use business cards made out of 100% post-consumer recycled paper (if you even need business cards at all)!

7. Lead by example. People will be inspired by your green lifestyle choices. 

This post was sponsored by Canvas Events - but note that JUGS only accepts sponsorships from mission-aligned brands that meet our core values of compassion + fulfillment.

Cameron Bruns Ewing is the managing editor of Just Us Gals. She recently started working for Hubspot and is also pursuing a degree in environmental sustainability from University College Dublin. Follow her outdoor adventures & travels via Instagram and her sustainability work via LinkedIn.