How To Travel Confidently When You Don’t Know The Language of the Place You're Visiting


Traveling to another country is one of the most valuable experiences you can give yourself.  It’s the best way to experience another culture has to offer: food, entertainment, and language.  Of course, it’s not possible to fully learn a new language before you travel, but don’t let that stop you!  You don’t have to be perfect to have a great experience. Here are some ways to travel confidently when you don’t know a country’s language.

Brush Up On Key Phrases

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people travel without any knowledge of the local language.  No matter where you go, people appreciate the effort when you try to speak their language. Even if you’re unsuccessful, your accent isn’t good, or you get some words wrong, you at least tried.  People respond really well to this and are eager to help when they see you’ve made an effort. It communicates that you care more than the average tourist. Try the Duolingo app to brush up on key words and phrases, or buy a phrase book.

Take A Tour Early On

Going on some kind of a walking tour or food tour early on in your trip is very beneficial.  You’ll learn the lay of the land so you can get your bearings, and you can also gather info about cheap, non-touristy places to eat.  Tour guides and other visitors are full of tips and tricks to make the most of your stay. It’s a great way to orient yourself in a new city.


Pick A Place In The Neighborhood To Be “Your Place”

Before traveling, get on TripAdvisor or start Googling until you find a place you can touch base.  If you need your morning caffeine fix, find a cool coffee shop. If you love a good cocktail, find a bar. If you pick one of each, you’ll have a place to go during the day and night to practice your phrases, build confidence, and get to know local people.  After a few consistent visits, the staff will start to recognize you. You may even find yourself chatting like a regular!

Instead of loudly speaking English and eating at familiar chains when you go abroad, challenge yourself in these small ways.  You’ll soon experience how rich and rewarding these tips make your travels. With a small amount of planning, you can travel with confidence wherever you go.

Becky Holder is a content contributor for JUGs and works in education. In her free time she looks for the next best cup of coffee and great food. Follow along @rebeccalizholder on Instagram.