Beauty Tips: How to Manage Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a problem that many people suffer from. Hyperpigmentation on the skin can cause uneven skin tone and texture. Luckily, there are specialized treatments out there to help remove hyperpigmentation on the skin. If you're looking for an effective treatment, then pico laser Singapore is your way to go! This specialized treatment can also be used for tattoo removal.

This blog post will discuss what causes pigmented spots on the skin and how pico laser treatment and other treatments.

Causes of Skin Pigmentation

There are many causes of hyperpigmentation on the skin, but they all stem from one common thing: excess melanin. Melanin is a pigment that's produced by cells called melanocytes which are found deeper in the dermis (the second layer) and epidermis (outermost layer). The more melanocytes there are present, or if something happens to damage these cells, then the more likely you'll see spots form as well as uneven coloration.

There are many reasons why this might happen. For instance, exposure to UV rays can cause increased production of melanin for protection purposes. However, too much will lead not only make it difficult for your body to produce tyrosine - an amino acid necessary for producing healthy proteins - from phenylalanine, but it'll also lead to increased spots from excess melanin.

Another reason for extra skin pigmentation is an uneven distribution of pigment cells in the epidermis. As we age, our production slows down, and so does its distribution - leading to discolouration on the face or other parts of your body.

How to Treat Pigmentation at Home

If you don't want to visit a professional for treatment, there are some home remedies that can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Identify the cause

First, determine the cause of your pigmentation problem. If it's from sun exposure, you should protect yourself by using sunscreen or staying in shaded areas when outside and wearing protective clothing. If there are other causes like ageing skin with a slow production of melanin cells, then topical treatments can be used to mimic this process.

Use a gentle exfoliator

The skin's natural exfoliators are enzymes that break down the dead layer of skin cells. In order to remove any excess pigmentation, you need to scrub away these top layers gently! Make sure you're not using a harsh product since this can worsen your problems and make them more difficult to deal with in the future - instead, use products like lactic acid or honey if possible.

Apply an anti-hyperpigmentation cream

Using a cream with alpha hydroxy acid, vitamin E, and glycolic acid will help remove the top layer (surface) of dead skin cells while also reducing any pigment. Make sure you're using a moisturiser afterwards to keep your skin hydrated.

Wear sunscreen daily

The skin's natural production of melanin is increased by sun exposure. In order to keep your skin healthy and clear, wear sunscreen every day! Using sunscreen will also help protect you from any future sun damage.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is a crucial part of any routine, and your body needs it to function. In order for you to produce healthy levels of melanin, as well as maintain an even skin tone, getting enough sleep is key!

Medical/Cosmetic Treatments for Hyperpigmentation

If the causes of your pigmentation problems can't be solved through home remedies, or if you're looking for a more effective treatment, then there are some medical and cosmetic treatments that will work better.

Pico Laser Treatment  

Many people wonder what pico laser treatment actually entails; well, let us tell you that this beauty procedure is unlike any other. It uses a pulsed light beam with optical energy, which penetrates deep into the dermal layer of your skin without causing damages to the surrounding tissues. The result? You get rid of unwanted tattoos as well as reduce signs of ageing caused by hyperpigmentation.


Microdermabrasion is a procedure that uses abrasive particles - like aluminium oxide crystals, pumice and walnut shell powder or diamond dust- to remove the top layers of dead skin cells. The result is smoother looking skin with fewer signs of age as well as fewer imperfections from hyperpigmentation!


Another way to reduce or lessen the appearance of skin pigmentation is through a procedure known as dermabrasion. This uses an abrasive instrument like a rotating wire brush or diamond tip, which removes damaged tissue from your skin - and you guessed it - this will lead to fewer signs of hyperpigmentation.

IPL Therapy

IPL therapy, also known as Intense Pulse Light, is one of the most popular and effective ways to remove skin pigmentation. This procedure uses a powerful light source that targets pigment cells - including acne and rosacea!

Chemical Peels

Lastly, chemical peels are a great way to exfoliate your skin and reduce the appearance of pigmentation on your face. Amazingly, there are different types of chemical peel that you can get, including alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHA)!

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