Check Your Pandemic Fatigue


Pandemic fatigue: It’s cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less real. We miss our old lives. We miss our families and friends that we haven’t seen in over a year. We miss travel. We miss parties, concerts, groups. We miss exercising without a mask. There are so many things that we miss, but none of these outweigh the health and safety of individuals in our community. So until enough vaccines have been administered for places to reach herd immunity, here are a few things to keep in mind and keep you moving through this ceaseless pandemic fatigue.

Vigilance Saves Lives

We’re so close to the end of this pandemic — we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But now is not the time to lighten up in terms of your social distancing, hand washing, and isolation. “Regardless of your vaccination status, if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, you should avoid close interactions with others. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the prior 10 days before a planned visit, you should refrain from visiting others” (According to Harvard Medical School’s recent post about what you can safely do once you are vaccinated). Hang in there and be vigilant. You won’t regret it and it could save someone’s life.

Take Care of Yourself

So you’re staying vigilant in terms of stopping the spread of the virus, but you should also stay vigilant in terms of your mental health. That meditation app that you downloaded and the virtual counseling sessions you started are equally as important now as they were six months ago. Keep taking care of your mind and body.

Change It Up

The best way to beat fatigue is to spice things up a bit. You may have found a work from home routine that works for you by now, but if you’re feeling restless and angered by the ongoing pandemic, it might be time to revisit that sense of excitement you had this time last year about doing something new with your time (remember the joy you once found from baking the perfect sourdough or trying a youtube painting class?). We enjoyed those things, and by fall we got sick of them. But it’s spring again and there are still thousands and thousands of virtual offerings, classes, activities, and events you can do right from home. Try putting your energy into something new to see if it shakes your sense of fatigue. It’s easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth a try!

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