3 Things to Know About Maternity Leave


Going through pregnancy and birthing a child are two miraculous physical and mental undertakings for the female body. Between morning sickness, stretch marks, and the recovery your body has to go through after it delivers a baby, having a child is a beautiful, difficult thing to do. Unfortunately, maternity leave is not a universal option in all workplaces, but if you are lucky enough to get it, use it! No matter how much time you choose to take, it’s a wonderful opportunity to not only give your body time to heal, but also to bond with your baby. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Mamas (and especially new mamas!) can feel the pressure to “do it all” when they have a baby. This is a person you just spent the last ten months growing and caring for, and you want to assume responsibility for their well being outside of the womb, too. Just because you may ask for help with baby tasks does not make you any less of a mother or less competent. In fact, taking a break from caring for your baby, even if only for a few minutes, can benefit your mental and physical health and allow you to come back refreshed and even more capable of taking care of baby. Whether it’s asking a friend, family member or partner, there are people who are so excited to meet the baby and want to be of assistance. If you are pumping or using formula, ask someone else to feed the baby from time to time. If you are nursing, be honest with your partner or someone you feel comfortable with and ask them if they can unload the dishwasher or do a load of laundry. It truly takes a village, and if you are sore and tired, it will feel so much better to be able to ask for help and get a bit of reprieve. 

Force Yourself to Leave the House

Depending on how long your maternity leave is, you may find yourself with weeks at a stretch of lots of time home with your baby. While this sounds great in theory, it can also be especially isolating and lonely. While spending time with your baby and giving lots of snuggles is great, there are only so many Netflix shows you can watch before you need a change of scenery. Make a plan at least several days of the week to get out of the house and do something. This doesn’t need to be a day trip somewhere or anything elaborate. It can be as simple as going for a walk around the neighborhood or meeting a friend at a local café for a cup of coffee. Not only will your baby get some fresh air and get to be out in the world, it will also help break up the repetition of the days.

Enjoy the Precious Time with Your Baby!

If you are fortunate enough to get to take maternity leave from your job, soak in every minute of it. It will go by quickly! In between feedings, naps and cuddling, it can be beneficial for your baby’s development to do tummy time and read to your baby, even when they are that young. Keep your work computer and phone turned off so you won’t be tempted to listen to voicemails or check emails. If you are out on FMLA, it is illegal for your company to expect you to do work for them during that time. You are no less dedicated to your job if you choose to spend time with your baby and work will always be there for you when you return. Eventually, you may need to go back to work, and if that's the case be sure to check out these tips for working after maternity leave.

Heather Slugaski is a clinical social worker living and working in North Carolina. You can follow Heather on Twitter @heatherlynnsw.

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