Book Club Discussion Questions for 'You People' by Nikita Lalwani

There’s no question that the current momentum around racial justice is focused in the United States. However, we all know that, unfortunately, racism happens all around the world. You People by Nikita Lalwani is a timely exploration of the incredible difficulties faced by undocumented migrants in London. The Guardian describes the novel as “how to be kind in an unkind world.”

Discussion Guide

  1. Why do you think Nia is so intrigued by Tuli?

  2. Both Shan and Nia have had difficult lives, especially when it comes to family. What are the major similarities and differences between their stories?

  3. Why did Shan bring a knife to the meeting with Pran?

  4. Tuli seems surprised that Nia hadn’t opened up to him about her childhood and home life. Why didn’t she? Do you think Tuli had made any assumptions about her level of privilege?

  5. What is Tuli’s motivation for helping migrants? Is he a good person?

  6. Nia really struggles with whether she and Tuli should support “the Hungarian.” Do you think they should they should help him?

  7. In many ways, Shan’s interactions with the woman and her sick child define the book. Why do you think the author chose to include these scenes?

What are you reading next?

Cameron Bruns Ewing is the managing editor of Just Us Gals. She works in Sales at HubSpot while also pursuing a degree in environmental sustainability from University College Dublin.

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