5 Things To Try In 2021


Can you believe that 2021 is already here? 2020 was not been the best year for anyone, but the great thing about a new year is that hope comes with it. Today, we’re sharing a few things to try in 2021. Hopefully this will help you set intentions, set goals, and have a great year. Here are 5 things to try in 2021:

Do A Digital Clean Out

If you’re anything like me, you may have thousands of emails, random files on your desktop, apps you don’t use, photos that need to be deleted, contacts you don’t even know, etc. Take a day to do a thorough clean out of your various digital devices and accounts. While you’re at it, you might want to change your passwords if you haven’t in a while. You will be thankful that you did this! In addition, it’s always great to take a brief hiatus from social media. Social media has a lot of positives about it, but putting down your phone and connecting with the people you are around is so important, as well. Take time away from your phone every once and awhile!

Discover A Virtual Hobby

What if 2021 is finally the year you learn to paint, or discover some yoga moves, or grasp the basics of Italian (and French, if you’re overachieving!)? Thanks to COVID-19, it’s now so much easier to explore things from the comfort of your own living room because there are so many online classes. The great thing about it is that you do not have to be enrolled in college to take an online class now. There are tons of options out there: just do a quick search on Google!

Travel Somewhere Amazing

This will, of course, depend how COVID is going in the coming months, but once vaccinations have been successfully rolled out, treat yourself and travel somewhere that you haven’t already been - somewhere amazing! Want to visit Napa Valley? Put it on your list! Another great option is a hiking location, such as Patagonia...and it looks AMAZING. Patagonia looks utterly breathtaking. On your hike, you could pass a dramatic natural landscape filled with snow-capped mountains, sparkling waterfalls and thick swathes of forestland. The Torres del Paine National Park is the chilled lakeside hub known as the gateway to the Great Outdoors, sitting within a canvas of glaciers and fjords. It’s the panorama at Base Las Torres that most  make the long 8-hour hike for – gaze up at three immense Andean rock towers rising jaggedly into the sky, with a bright turquoise lake shimmering beneath. It’s certainly Insta-worthy, but nothing can capture the raw beauty this scene lays out before you. Sounds amazing, right? Travel somewhere new and amazing, when you can. You won’t regret it!



Sometimes, the place that we are living is holding us back. This could be for many different reasons. Maybe it’s the city, or the physical house that we are living in. Maybe your home is filled with mold and it is harming your health, or maybe you just want a new change. Either way, moving is a great way to start over from a clean slate. But, don’t do it all yourself. Reduce your stress when moving (because it can be SO stressful) and hire a professional moving company to help you out. Fresh Start - The Moving Crew can be those movers that help you out. They are a professional moving company and offer packing and moving services in Worcester. They have amazing reviews (seriously amazing!), have been in business since 2012, and they are a tight-knit crew, which have a goal of providing superior customer service to their clients. Moving is hard enough as-is. Hire Fresh Start - The Moving Crew to help you reduce your stress and make your move that much easier.

Eliminate Things That You Don’t Enjoy

What in your life is stressing you out? Write down 10 things that first come to mind and then see if you can eliminate at least a few of them. How can you make something you don’t enjoy easier? Can you negotiate with someone to share a task? Can you eliminate a habit that’s hurting you and trade it for a new positive habit? Is there a relationship that doesn’t make you feel good, where maybe you are giving and all they do is take or they just complain and criticize nonstop? Can you end that relationship or minimize situations where you might encounter that toxic person? If you hate your job can you start applying to other places or start researching how to start the business you’ve been dreaming about? Are there commitments you need to let go of so you can use that time for something else, even if it’s just down time? Eliminate anything and everything that you do not enjoy. It makes your life so much better and happier in the long run!

2021 is here and it’s time to take the ropes and make it a good year. I hope you enjoyed this list of things to try in 2021!

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