Black Lives Matter: We’re Listening. We’re Acting.

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Black. Lives. Matter. It’s been said many times this week by different organizations, companies, influencers, and friends, but it hasn’t been said enough. And we haven’t done enough. So, here, we are sharing our commitments and efforts we’re making as well as some resources for our readers who are also seeking to be effective, genuine allies.

At Just Us Gals, it is our goal to serve as a career and conscious living resource for all who identify as women or non-binary in Boston and beyond. We do this by sharing insights and stories about business founders and women with unique career paths. We’ve featured some incredibly inspiring Boston-based Black women in our Who’s That Gal column, but we know that we could do more to amplify Black voices on JUGS by making this column more diverse. If you are a Black entrepreneur and would like to share your story on JUGS, please let us know here. If you would like to nominate someone else to be featured, please do so here

Additionally, we're taking action in a few ways. We’re consciously diversifying our writing team and our library. Our blog can sometimes take a privileged point of view — we are committed to checking our own privilege and take a closer look at the messages our content sends. If you would like to help us in this mission and are interested in joining our team, we encourage you to apply!

As individuals (we’re a team of volunteers), we are also taking action by signing petitions, making donations, and protesting. We recognize that allyship is something earned, so we are taking time to educate ourselves, and learn what else we can do to stand in solidarity with the Black community now and in the weeks and years to come. 

If you would like to do more and aren’t sure where to start, here are a few resources that we’re finding helpful in our journey:



Lastly, we acknowledge that we might not be getting this all right, and that there is always more to learn and do. We’d love your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. We will continue reflecting, growing, and evolving with the goal of being longterm anti-racist advocates.

*if you’d like to provide feedback without providing your email address, please send us a DM on instagram — thank you!